My difficulty ranking
Killing Midir for the first time ever, 4th attempt, 100% blind
Gejmeri, mislite li da je Red Dead Redemption 2 najbolja igra ikad?
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What was your favorite and hardest boss when playing DS3 for the first time?
Final boss vs hardest boss
Which is your favourite DLC, and why?
what the fuck is this new tweet
I’ve heard the last is the best, not excited for the trophy grind tho.
Boss tier list but it's just how much the soundtrack slaps.
What’s your “One of a kind” game and why?
First time ever killing Gael, going 100% blind. What an amazing boss!
The first phase of Nameless King is the most annoying thing in the game
Gael first try
Marokanac pokušao silovati ženu u Puli | Regional Express
Nameless King "first time ever, first try" kill!!! Story in comments.
PRIJAVI SE U nadolazećoj korizmi nađi pravu mjeru u pokori
I really don't know how anyone can hate this game, with 67 hours, I haven't even done the DLCs yet, I'm close to platinum and so far, by far my favorite of the franchise.
Continuing my first journey, best boss so far, not even close! 5th attempt
My first time ever defeating first harder boss I encountered, Pontiff Sulyvahn. Super crappy but hey, I'm proud!
Curious, what is a hot take about your favorite video game franchise you have that will have you like this?
Cringe Katana man vs Moonlight Greatsword enjoyer
Kruha i Igara....
My friend's ranking of bosses by how hard they are (how many times it took him to beat them)
Na Trgu se okupili molitelji, pogledajte kako je muškarac vrijeđao protuprosvjednicu: ‘Kakvi ste vi komunisti...‘