Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.
Adults only all inclusive with a la carte breakfast
Automatically log your wallet transactions to a spreadsheet
Whats something you bought that saves you alot of money
Brown stuff in Frigidaire ice maker
Is it dumb to take my X-Pro2 along while riding bikes?
A day out in Wellington, New Zealand. Which shot is your favourite?
During brain surgery, does the exposed brain get dry??
Not Sure Which One.
Which is a better photo? Fuji xe4 27mm f2.8
Camped at the top of a mountain today ; xe4 27 mm f2.8
What is this thorny weed?
Will running eventually damage the camera? X100V
Anyone Got Any Working Epidemic Sound Discount Codes?
2 week philippines itinerary
Unsymmetrical Winged 🌷.. 😌 ( Any tips for getting better / improving the Symmetry.🥺 )
Almost everyone should avoid Roam Like Home (Rogers/Fido), EasyRoam (Telus), RoamBetter (Bell) deals when travelling abroad
Mighty proud of these images I took today as I just started street photography, let me know what you think, positives and negatives! - Shot on Fuji X-T2 with 7artisans 25mm, SOOC
Nurses who actually like your job- what specialty are you in?
Please suggest me a show as good as The Office
Which well-known song is commonly perceived as cheerful, but actually has darker undertones?
Some photos i took on our ski vacation