A game like Astrobot?
No Mega Man X and Zero bots?
Don't get me wrong, I love wario land 4, but I think 3 is even better, yet we have not 1, but 2 major indie games inspired by Wario Lamd 4, but none by three.
Which Nintendon't characters are most likely to be cut next time?
"They" will try to say everything nowadays....how tf was MH Wilds ever woke?
"Who cares?" - People who care deeply
CMV: White men and Christians are NOT being “attacked” or “persecuted”. They are just experiencing public backlash and being held accountable for the first time, and now, they are playing victim.
Politics and Reddit will ruin your life
Two ugly characters with a toxic relationship got her into girls. I hope this post is a joke.
Can’t r/facepalm have a funny facepalm for once? Nothing but politics
Everyone agreed this was the worst scene in the entire movie. But that feedback didn't stop marvel from producing several feminist power fantasies, all lacking in quality.
Mona and Pauline at a mall
Will Smith teases "Hancock 2", says Zendaya may star
Here's every Series (with multiple representatives) average score on the new Luminosity Tier List.
17 years in the making trilogy
Breaking news turns out the left don't like race swapping
What did you think of the functional differences between the Arwing and the Wolfen in Star Fox: Assault?
Food for thought ... what do you guys think.
Is there a woman on this sub who isn’t a damn bot?
Feeling extra single tonight… anyone else?
Is this too much to ask for "if" we get a female Bond?
Will it ever come back in any form at all?
Some motivation :D
Who is your favorite rival character from the classic series?