Travel fit
Give me recommendations based on my fav artists rn
Which Song is This?
To all the people into chill hip-hop
Where do they sell men's jeans/pants like these?
Pick a number 1-55 and get a song from my “S Tier” playlist
What’s Your Go-To Song Right Now?
Fit of the day
More color today because people seem to hate black
Today's fit
Anyone wanna date me?
Favorite sweater rn
Work Fit Check
The economy is failing us all.
Why do people here like to look like they came out of the 20s/30s/40s so much?
Which game do you anticipate the most in 2025?
Another day, another fit
“Dear Americans”. Letter from Ukrainian soldier.
Stephan Kings House.
Roast this fat man
What's the best way to trim your beard without getting hair everywhere?
Fit for a wedding
Took two books with me for a 3 week holiday. Can you type me based on them?