Day 55 - Waiting for PAWS to pass. Man, it's hard.
What happened to KAS:ST?
Post flatline…
Embrace Pain
Navigating Anhedonia and Decision Paralysis Workflow During PMO Withdrawal
Kako je moguće da se vodi rat u Europskom kontinentu u dvadesetiprvom stoljeću? Zar Europa kao najnaprednija civilizacija na svijetu to nije prevazišla?
Mentalno zdravlje i faks-što i kako dalje?
Relapse Day +118
Stop Trying to “Transmute”
Wet Dreams and how to reduce its frequency ( part-1)
Day 47 - Wet Dream, but despite it - flatline lessened.
Life is a dream, isn't it?
Looking for a quote by one of the famous Yogis
I don't know who I am?
Difference between anhedonia and total apathy?
Can Wellbutrin make anhedonia worse permanently? Is it worth trying?
This society is so unnatural.
DAE feels like your life is over and you have nothing worth living for
The only thing that basically cured my anhedonia - Not ejaculating.
I’m close to giving up
Anhedonia and Fomo?
For those that missed out on their "prime years" middle school, high school, college. teens and 20's because of anhedonia but you eventually made it out, do you still feel even though you don't have anhedonia anymore you still wasted your life?
I already know the answer
So we're just gonna be stuck like this for life, huh?