Will these stats get flagged for "botting"?
MiG Alley (we lost)
I wish MTBs were playable..
According to Gaijin, JH-7A is a "low rank" aircraft
Anyone know a better red star I could use?
Bro making alternate history
The new F-18 pre order art looks exactly like the average premium loadout
Top tier torpedo spam - Fox 3 of Naval
I'm the worst tank driver ever lol
Finally completed the hard season-long batlte pass challenges
Where does the emergency exit in the tunnels lead to? Can you come across the exterior on a hike?
They’re “triggered,” girls
I don't know what to grind anymore
13.0 is unplayable rn
What is a Xiaolong (肖龙)?
Something about the F-4 and MiG-21 airframe that causes so many people to crash on takeoff
Urgent call to reallocate $10 billion spent on "bogus refugees" to support local communities
Stop being toxic towards bombers
So I’m about to get the f5a(g) but I’m clueless about 11.0
I lost enjoy because of Mig-23ml
CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder
AESA radar moment (not)
Me and the last guy on their team came to an agreement
Unpopular opinion but Fox 3s should never hit when you are below 60m