Did I take it too far with this parent?
Name a character who can make things go boom
Fred 🫦 By me (VenomSnk3)
somethings off here…
Philly 11
What are some comic book accurate skins you'd like to see added?
Let’s switch things up who do you not want in Marvel Rivals
Season four/ Barbara
What is your least favorite healer?
It’s Happening! Make this post popular!
Doomsday leaked concept art
Who's your favorite anime character?
Who could John Cena play in the MCU?
Guest appearances I wanna see in future seasons
Johnny Bravo S1|E1|P1- Johnny Bravo
How do we feel about this? I'm guessing it will probably be on Adult Swim but tbh I'm not a huge fan of this idea
We just let her keep thinking that, it's easier.😭
Was this their best episode of the season?
Characters I would beat in a fight
Who's a deceased voice actor/actress you'd bring to life if you could.
What needed to be done to make this MCU relationship work better?
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
Let's make our own CNSB series!
S3E10 - Janine...girl.
I've only watched the anime. Is it worth reading the Manga too?