What is the most fucked up thing a person you know has done?
Omg this kid is 6 and on youtube
Have you always been pro-life?
Why are some pretty girl names that end or begin with Ana?
Why do I get icked out when a guy wants be sexual with me and how do I fix it?
man, i REALLY miss windows xp. i spent days straight on solitaire
A close friend just told me she wants to commit a huge sin…
I’m 15 and my gf might be pregnant. I need advice, please
I can't have sex but I desperately want to
Favourite character?
AIO for cutting off my parents over politics?
UPDATE : My crush turned out to be a blackpiller incel
Storytime: My dad sees nothing wrong with IVF
I think I am gay, please help
Older gen z when was ur first time getting drunk. How old were u and what drink was it
How old were you when you started working?
What age do you want to have kids?
ProLife Extremism is REAL.
Current timeline
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of My Life As A Teenage Robot?
what are some things i should know before losing my virginity?
Unsupportive parents
Found out I’m pregnant on Valentine’s Day-I think this is my last straw
We have a Christian who apparently blames the legalization of abortion on the 19th amendment. Apparently the logic looks like this: "Women's suffrage led to feminism, and feminism led to legalized human abortion."