H: Glowing Abe, sbq, unicorn, Minotaur, raven x2, crazy guy, demon, deathclaw, winter man 10 for 1 W: glowing jackelope
H: glowing veggie man, glowing unicorn, glowing sbq, glowing Minotaur, raven x2, crazy guy, deathclaw, demon, winter man W: glowing jackelope, glowing Abe, glowing Bigfoot
[PC] H: Glow Abe, Glowing Bigfoot, TFJ W: Glow Jack 3:1
H: deathclaw, raven x2, crazy guy masks W: glowing Lincoln, jackelope, Bigfoot mask
W: stinging core and accelerated nozzle plan H: leaders, 4 star mod boxes, caps
H: plan: gatling plasma accelerated nozzle w: offers
W: modded Gatling plasma non legendary H: caps
H: Most other mods W: Bash Damage mod
W: bashers mod H: intelligence mod , powered mod, caps
W: arms keeper mod H: leader bobbles
W: arms keeper mods H: leader bobbles
W: hellfire v2 leg plan H: 1k leaders
[ PC ] H: 500 of each stable flux W: Hellfire V2 Prototype PA Arms, Legs, Helmet, and Torso
H: Full Hellfire V2 set, Mods, Dr. Bones, Red Dino, Princess Backpacks W: Leaders, Arms Keeper mods
H: hellfire v2 prototype torso plan, other Halloween plans, and leader bobbles W: legs or helmet plan
H: 2* int , vats optimized mods W: powered , arms keepers, sentinel mods
H: vats optimized, int 2 star, poisoners, warming, hardy, pack rats, secret agents, strength 3 star mods W: arms keepers mods
H: vats optimized, int, strength mods W: arms keeper mods
H: int mods W: powered or explosive mods
H: 2* intelligence mod W: 2 quad mods
H: glowing pig, glowing blue devil, glowing scorchbeast, W: arms keeper mods
H: glowing scorchbeast mask W: intelligence bobbles or other useful bobbles for crafting
H: int armor mods W: arms keeper mods
W: 3 intelligence bobble heads H: leader bobble heads or caps
H: loon W: mix of all flux