Fucking Lethal Zone
So guys and girls someone has come to the conclusion whether there will be Trilogy of Warrior Nun? And in what year? We are waiting more time and Dean English hasn’t been decided yet. I will wait what do you think
State of Decay II's Update 36: Quality of Life Fixes
Finding outfit
Hosting more than 4 players.
i made the cruciform sword with wood and though it’s not perfect i’m quite proud of it so i thought i’d share
How does the manor bonus work?
How do we know for sure it’s a renewal with the OG cast?
How can i get my body back, i have 50 red cards but my body is in the turrets range and i dont have any healing items. I need my 50 red cards 😩.
State of decay difficulties
Would you say these are pretty good or pretty horrible stats for a new player with 25 hours put in so far?
Changing camp helicopter
Exclusive Accessory Upgrade quest not completing
is she worth keeping?
Nope just nope
Tried to play the beta and when I get to the loading screen (new community or one of my existing communities) It crashes. Any advice?
Corruption detected in Account Fix?
Are these legit guns they carrry over 900 rounds? 😂😂 got droped by a random
I'm playing on Dread, I want to raise difficulty....
Joined a (modded?) lobby via the multiplayer radio command and insta-died once I loaded in. Is there anything I can do or someone to contact at UL to get that survivor back?
Suppressor dupe
You should spawn invincible in multiplayer. Just lost best character to modders.
Good players vs Toxic kids I met in multiplayer so far
Trial of blood