What’s the most awkward moment you’ve had during sex?
Someone explain the Andy hype to me
What are you doing differently if you’re Theon Greyjoy?
______ took a shot, but
Sofa won’t fit through door🙈
OpTic Merch- Where is the care?
What made the USA popular
What is the appliance on the counter? They already have a microwave above the stove, so I thought maybe it's a toaster oven but what's inside of it?
Past and Current Generation OpTic
If time travel was possible, what would the hot spots for tourists be?
Does anyone know who this guy is and what his role with OpTic is?
GRRM is playing us all
This crazy $4k handmade pocket knife with folded steel blade my brother in law carries every day
Where is kang in the season 2 finale
Do you think that the six friends were good people?
Shall we go down the current status of accounts? Lucky Strike?
I ruined my life
Simple work fit, is this straight enough or am I still gay?
Unpopular Opinion: $1 Million isn't a lot of money anymore (here's the math)
TIL Nero's teenage brother died at a dinner party with his entire family present. Some of the guests were shocked, but Nero shrugged it off, saying it was normal, as he was having epileptic seizures since birth, so they carried on with their party
What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
What’s the going rate on this? Size medium never worn
What are the most ridiculously inaccurate observations on the show, and is this the king of the county?:
I was today years old when I realized I didn't have to get in the shower before turning the shower head on.