Becoming one with the couch
How can you do better today?
Music venues
What are the funniest but still hard Hardcore song lines?
Hmmm 🤔 😂
What’s y’all’s favorite new shit recently
Shouty band suggestions
They should be massive stars
Saw this on Tate’s story
Took our little man to be fixed at a decent vet.
Hater Corner. Come One, Come All.
Help Identifying
What are your musical guilty pleasures?
As a pusher
What do yall think about me asking what yall think about this album?
Probably a dumb (hypothetical) question, but have you asked yourself how you would survive with your dachshund in the case your country was attacked/your city bombed/nuclear attack etc.?
aggro face ripping
What's your most fucked up intrusive thought?
Besides wrestlers in bands like Brody, which wrestler would be our hardcore champion?
Favorite band "claimed" by the hardcore scene that isn't "typical" hardcore?
Are we punching assholes that buy the Yeezy shirt?
Music for driving 90 in a 35mph zone
Real Boston Hardcore