Which hero feels as though they have the most expensive build?
My beloved, my heart, my soul, my hero<3
The Great Escape
What is snowballing?
Yu Zhong tips
Lukas jumpscare
What hero adjustment that made you hate the hero or stoped playing them?
Weekly Discussion Thread
Everybody talks about phoveus and faramis not having skins while my man bane out here having one skin with deferent color
Miya players are beyond delusional
"sometimes I think about.... Girls!" *Gets turned into one*
Which hero/skin has most pretty eyes?
Lesson learned: never play classics to chill out
Please rework him and put his ult on a normal toggleable skill ffs I just want to play Singed
Why Did They Do This? 🥲
Tank Bane is the way
Vexana's glowup
Who’s the coolest character and why is it granger?
Hands down the worst item added to the game(From my experience)
In your opinion, what is the WORST hero revamp?
The worst part about rank reset is climbing through this fecal cesspit again every season. Feels like I get trolled by my own teammates every other game
Why are these braindead marksmen taking Exp lane? This is the 4th game this happened. The loser went 0/7 and we lost. What is going on?
Yu Zhong moment. It was a 5v1 btw, so the damage from 2 other people aren't showing
In your opinion, who is the strongest hero in early and late game?