Timestamps? Are they good or bad or worth the time?
Ultimate - Battle of Huarong - (Liu Bei) Clear Times
Thinking of buying But worried about seat.
New mid-roll ad policies, anyone else worried about these?
Monitor Size Comparison: Ultrawide vs. MSI MPG 321URX vs. 27" OLED
$70 game with bars. Ultrawide does not feel like a master race.
Is higher PPI in 27in 4K really noticeable than in 32in?
Rate my battle station, how old i am, what games i play all that.
Warranty Extension
5090 + HYTE Y70 , 4090 for the shelf
Don't Sleep On B&H
Why do people buy OLED’s when they know it’s gonna have burn-in’s sometime in near future?
How much do you and your spouse make together?
Tempted to buy now, or to wait just a couple of months for this puppy to come out.
Returning Samsung G9 OLED – Should I Get Two 27” 4K Monitors Instead
Is the XL too big?
Brutally Honest Feedback -- Critique Thread
Desk size ?
What I'm Currently Doing for YouTube SEO
Rule #2: Don't be a dick.
Hello! Anyone with a Magnus Pro XL and 45” LG or similar 800r curved monitor? Need help deciding on a new desk!
The truth about Royalty free audio and other types of content
Gonna order the Audeze Maxwell in a few hours. Anything that I should know beforehand / do once I get them?