of a grizzly bear
How to achieve this finish on a guitar body?
My _____ smells like Newark
Mountains upon mountains of _____ wait for you behind this door!
You can have my collection of ______ after I die, son.
Who will be The Last of Us?
What kind of wood are my kitchen cabinets?
Fish and chips
Old logs too dry for milling?
Save Kaidan or Ashley on Virmire ?
Planning to make some small jewelry from this piece of Juniper. Which way should I resaw it?
first time air frying 🥰
Combination Squares. What’s your go to and why?
PSA, wheel type marking gauges can be used as router planes.
Nagano & Niigata, Japan have gotten an INSANE amount of snow recently !!
Movies that are objectively, scientifically good? I'll start
🔥 The Eye of The Sahara 🔥
Help I’m at my wits end
Past or present what film has actually put fear in you?
Made another violin, almost finished. 100% handtools used. No electric tools
What do you call these?
Pastry with raspberry(?) jelly and cream filling
What did you do to those poor children r/AskOuija?
Made a saw till. All hand tools, no biggie.