What do you wear to bed?
My 5th time rewriting this..why do I suck at starting conversations?
What Titan/Pilot loadouts would you use to deal with these guys ?
Imma keep it real, I don’t want a Titanfall crossover
will this unfortunate typo get me banned?
How do you call this thing in your language
Honestly, a lot of people do not belong in difficulty 10
Im the only one who, when colonizing, must name each province in the language of the conquering country? (maybe I have autism)
Would this psot get removed
What murder drones opinions got you like this?
Surprise! It’s my birthday. As of today I am 21 years old.
Why is it so rare?
Won a game without harming anyone
Am I seeing this right?
We won't become a crazy fandom, will we?
do it:)
early birthday present from my girlfriend:>
New armor guys! What do ya'll think
Feeling bullied
Did I miss it?
newtons law of motion
Have u guys experienced this??
If you want to know my honest opinion, here it is.
Weird scenario??