Are custom kernels worth it?
Best Linux Distro for New Hardware? (WiFi 7 Issues, Bad Experience with Debian Stable & Linux Mint)
Firefox on Leap is painful to use? Distressed former Arch user here.
Really want to switch to linux, but so many apps wont work
I'm trying to install ubuntu-gnome-desktop, and it wants to remove systemd-coredump. Is that okay?
The best app you recommend for PDF editor
Linux on ASUS Vivobook E1504GA
Scared of executing dup after three months of use, should I actually do it? Better to do something else? About updating Tumbleweed.
Is Linux Mint 22.1 Xfce a good option?
Going to try Debian as a noob
A lot of movement into Linux
I distrohopped to win 10 on 1 laptop
Which will be much better debian or Linux mint debian edition?
Linux Mint slower than Windows 8.1
Does Fedora work more "out of the box" NVIDIA gaming wise? Or any other distro (preferably not forks such as Nobara)
Should Linux Mint switch away from Mozilla Firefox due to the controversial new terms of service?
How can I play minecraft for free on Linux mint
i learned a genius studying hack
Linux to windows and I miss mint
Mint is boring - which is probably a good thing
Hybrid GPU ?
What is the best way to play EA games on Linux Mint (BF4 specifically)?
Nvidia driver fails
[ Poll ] Best Gaming Distro? (Desktop)