When you realize she's not actually talking on a phone. (Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast)
Modern Anime that doesn't hold up
Probably the exact moment when Nyamu notices the "bad" acting.
CN is currently divided into 2 camps on EP10.
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica • Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast - Episode 9 discussion
Two of the most handsome and mature characters in MyGO/Ave Mujica.
'Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast' Episode 9 Discussion Megathread!
Thoughts on Laid Back Camp season 3?
(OC) Who's getting the aux? (Ave Mujica edition)
MyGO and Ave Mujica caught me by surprise this season with their profoundly pathetic character portrayal.
Landscape Mode (by yao_wang29)
"For in my wrath, I am Asura!" [Flower and Asura]
This scene is so funny to me, even though it shouldn't be. It's like the reverse Goob scene in Meet the Robinsons.
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica • Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast - Episode 8 discussion
'Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast' Episode 8 Discussion Megathread!
r/anime Karma Ranking & Discussion | Week 7 [Winter 2025]
Fake vs Real IDGAFer (I don't give a f*ck-er) Bassist Edition
48 Hours of Turmoil in the CN Fan Community After Mujica Episode 7: Anger, Conflict, and Helplessness
Do you think Umiri practices her lines before saying this?
From 2023 till now.The timeline of Ayana Yuniko break off with BanGDream.
I NEED a cutesy dark anime
What is Bandori even about
I don’t think Soyo was trying to ignore Anon
BOCCHI THE ROCK! Season 2 Announcement Visual
Transactions on CN community's critisim on mujica ep7