Air65 got a little makeover today
What would you use T motor P1604 2850KV 's on ?
Economic Blackout Day
Order hasn't shipped and 1 day left. Should I let the clock run down?
Successful day later whoop rescue.
Older Hota charger
She survived
It has happened second time with the same goggles model. But now the operation had achieved limited success.
help choosing tiny whoop
CPU overload on Redfox A1
Encountered my first one at Meijer today
I painted my other C X whoop there’s something about white drones that make me want to paint them different colors 🤓 I used color, shifting paint and candy ink paint and UVLS clear high gloss
MMW: The US is going down the sad path of dictatorship, I don't think there will ever be free elections again in that country.
Parts compatibility
Done with my first build.
Nimble65 binding issue
Range??? explain
Wyd if bro pulls up to the range day with this??
$167 FEES on $125 item
USPS is now accepting mail from China
USPS is suspending all packages from China / Hong Kong
Covid-vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women