What’s the most up to date tier list on tier list maker? One that has up to the new holy knights if possible.
Out of these characters, how many do you think will be confirmed conqueror's by EOS?
I have questions about the latest plot reveal…
Is there any reason why one of the top 4 players of the Old Era, should be weaker than the other 3 despite his statements?
Let's say you were choosen between, Akainu facing Luffy but he gets mid-high diffed by Luffy or Akainu facing Sabo but gets extreme diffed, what will you choose ?
A one hour special is made about the character of your choice. Who's getting the spotlight?
It's not impossible
How would you react if it gets confirmed that Mihawk and Shanks are equal overall, with Shanks having slightly better Haki and Mihawk being a slightly better Swordsman?
Current top 10 in my opinion (Did I cook?)
It's so weird to think about the fact that the Strawhats only have been together for a few months.
Rename your favorite Star Wars movie/episode/book/ game in the style of clickbait YouTube
Rename your favorite ATLA episode like this
What is your favorite Luffy fight ever?
Top 5 One Piece OP *My Opinion
Who is younger than one piece 🤔 ?
Read the colored manga with the official translation?
Final war before or after the One Piece?
Eos predictions
I hate it when people say...
Chapter 1121: Mystery Person Revealed
Might upset a lot of people with this post (also Imu doesn’t count)
Do you think Big mom will come back??
I've just finished ep 1000, wondering...
Does TOTK shrines easier than BOTW?
Kaigun music theme?
Wait,if there was a ganon 10000 years ago, shouldn't there be a princess and a knight there too.