What’s the ugliest, cheap looking, lame or phoned in popular logo design that comes to mind?
Is dive too much?
Let’s switch things up who do you not want in Marvel Rivals
Troll Bans - You Should Get To See Who Voted For What At the End
Mod To Change Wood Chopping Sound?
FPS and Audio Skipping With Tmodloader
What's With High Rank People Being Super Toxic On Both Subs and Putting People Down?
I finally did it! Should I retire?
Name a game
How was the MVP of this match selected?
Iron Man don't want no black mamba
My Votes Suddenly Do Nothing
I Think I'm Just Trash At This Game
QP Is Legitimately Horrific
Can someone explain to me how I wasn’t the mvp?
Why dont many people use Racoon's hidden invisibility powers?
When there's no brief about the project and you assign the newbie for it.
Finally, I can touch grass
Would you say this game's community toxic?
How do I deal damage as Rocket Raccoon?
If it's true the Star Trek fan community isn't growing, this essay argues Paramount should back to the strategy that worked before (and probably not the one you think I mean).
Block Chat Should Be Permanent
School pizza day