Why was Alison Betts' response of "comb" was not accepted instead of being asked to be more specific?
Ink & Charcoal on OBS wood.
Accusing someone of being a liberal Marxist Democrat while being a registered sex offender
I already know this family would be an absolute nightmare to work for. Be a nanny or… “House Manager”? … for $17/hr!
Keep squirrels and birds from eating pears?
Fell for it again
Found Lead Bar in garden
What drives your passion for DIY?
Seedling advice
How important is hardening off?
Who is up for the challenge?
Why was the Philippines so deadly in WW2?
Is Ryobi the best bang for your buck or a waste of money?
rate my kale
When to clear leaves - mostly oak leaves that don't break down too quickly, or can I put mulch down on top? I do have spring ephemerals coming up soon, should I just move the leaves to the side?
What world war II common misconception do you keep hearing that you find annoying?
What are your thoughts on knock-off 18v tool batteries?
My Weeding Plan
Main focus office but can game / vr
Impressive arm and core strength
[Request] What are some good feel good/comedy series?
Why is no one celebrating him? Just why?
Wont stay on. Is it too late?
I am the eldest daughter of age of a British nobleman in the early 19th century and my parents have suddenly died in an accident. I have no brothers. Would I become the Lady of the Household?
Big Donor Owes Billions in Taxes....