Any other child free vegans out there?
Help!! My kid talks so much. I'm exhausted just from listening.
I’m 33, turning 34 this year, and I feel like my life is a complete failure
Apparently you can love animals and still eat them 🙄
AITA for point blank refusing to be my sister’s surrogate, because it would ruin my "mummy makeover"?
Sri Lankan gifts that may represent love or protection?
Yo my fellow foreign income earners, thoughts on the 15% hit we're gonna take from April?
Foreigner here. Why do Sri Lankans find speaking English a bit difficult?
Seriously y sl give away free money to people who dont contribute to society.
The Keells situation is crazy!
Some People Pleasers Just Don’t Learn - Its Funny
How to say you’re into swinging without saying you’re into swinging
Looking for allergy note for when we visit Sri Lanka
Why do people with a debilitating hereditary medical condition choose to have children knowing they will have high chances of getting it too?
I saw a tuk tuk signal right and turn left
90s kids remember when a slap was the ultimate 'factory reset'—anyone else notice how parenting has changed?
One opinion about Sri Lanka you can defend like this?
At what point is it not vegan to order vegan food from a chain like taco bell?
Why do you guys have terrible English knowledge even after you pursue English based education?
Guys Below 30 Ask - Guys Above 30 Answer
Do you throw out donated food?
Michael Parenti on the extraction of wealth from the so-called Third World by Western Capitalism.
"What If Elon Musk Had Bought Sri Lanka? | A throwback to 2022, when a number of eager Sri Lankans urged him to buy the country instead of Twitter"
Date ideas to spend 2 to 3 hours in Colombo.
The Reality of Being a Cashier in Sri Lanka