What do you do when a new Amber video pops up? (No Judgement Here)
won’t let me talk my ish
What's an unexpected lesson gorl world has taught you?
Snapchatlynn part 2
Hectic facebook molments
Meeting Kate
Who was the worst on Before the 90 Days Season 7?
Ginos family on jasmine side
What's an Amberlynn coded sentiment you secretly agree with?
Gotta go with free bleeding on a mattress for two years
What is your secret opinion that will get you downvoted by fellow Bravo fans?
What red flags do men notice in other men,that are often ignored or dismissed by women?
What office joke do you think goes over most people’s heads but you never miss
Ambers greatest BIG BACK moment?
My ice cube looks like its growing hair
Who had the most disgusting chatlog in your opinion?
What's something usually refered as hot/sexy/seducing, where you totally don't feel the same?
what immediatly tells you if someone is an asshole?
why she never went to the shelter
What smell makes you want to immediately vomit?
What moment from the 90-day universe lives rent free in your head?
What’s something someone told you while drunk you wished they hadn’t?
Dr. Adams is ridiculously beautiful
Delete one thing from the show
GO 👇