Not today 😏
What weapon do you simply must have equipped when you're progressing without knowing what comes next? It's shotgun for me, not only in Quake. It's the best reactive weapon in my opinion, good for surprises.
Buy mini 4 pro or wait for dji flip?
New baby pygmy hippo born in the US! 🩷
Can you identify this stick?
I want to go for the s24
Wood ID Megathread
Odd request - can anyone identify this wood?
What could this be?
Sunbathing ☀️
Beer Caramelizers in action. They work great!!
Is this a good deal? Is v5 coming soon?
Can I use a cellphone for remote?
Additional trunk lighting
Is there more than 1 Toyota App?
What did you name your car?
So much for the free service.
[Homemade] Crab cakes
How to Make your GRC BASS Amazing 🤩 ❤️ ❤️ 🥰 🥰
Discovered this tiny turtle in a parking lot near a lake... I put it on a US quarter for scale.
Any app to Call between two galaxy watches through wifi
Last knife of 2024
Are you GRing? Or are you Corollaing?
not too shabby for my first drone