What are y'all's thoughts on "Fantastic Noir"?
What character do you think was done better in the comics than the MCU
Name a character besides Superman and Thor that could stop a plane crash?
Would you guys want to see another speedster introduced into the show?
So when will the MCU do a hard reboot?
"Ancient" subtag on biome generation
Hypothetical: Insomniac creates a "Rune Thor" game. How would you want it to work?
Hypothetical: Insomniac makes an "Immortal Hulk" game. How would you want it to work?
A pattern i noticed about the differences between the animated Spider-Men VS the live-action Spider-Men
So. Does Peter have a [spoiler] forever now? (Spider-Man 2)
Have you cheated in school, and do you regret it?
Do y’all think Magik is right about Peter canonically being more annoying than Miles?
Honestly how they did Immortal was interesting cause its instead of "what if Superman was Evil" ,its basically "what if Superman was a grumpy,old boomer."
If there was an "average person Olympics" and you were randomly chosen to compete, would you want to?
Is it ethical to put down psychopathic killer humans?
I feel like people often forget that Ben isn't dumb. He's just surrounded by super-geniuses.
Good idea or nah?
Pick something to erase permanently from 616
Why hasn't anyone made a fully screen accurate replica of Captain America's shield made out of titanium? Not only is titanium one of the strongest known metals, but the shield would actually be bulletproof!
What am I? "I echo through ..."
Why does everyone here recommend people to start reading from the New Testament first?
Which one of these do you think describes pirating better?
Americans, do you think just three years of taking a language in school counts as speaking a language?
Distinct lack of conversation on how this guy was 30 and choose to be part of the "Teen Team"
I am the teacher that does not speak