First one caught in the wild. Someone vandalized the USA's EIU score (How democratic a country is) to say 9.99 and "Full Democracy"
Do you actually think trump is a dictator and why???
What do you think of Elon Musk
Would you rather live in America or Europe?
why can't i pick my own fucking clothes?
Have you ever been triggered by the concept related to “peacefulness”? Like feel horrified to see images of an isolated little house in the forest?
xbox to pc
Will this affect you?
Can an American explain wtf is happening to you guys right now?
And you thought Elon's Nazi salute was bad
Fuck fascism. That’s all I’m gonna say
What do you guys think???
I need advice. My life has been f**ked because of homeschool.
My premium account expired recently, I forgot how slow the grind is without it.
Why is the GenZ sub so depressing 🐴
Why is Sine used to determine the X component of vector B, and Cosine used to determine the Y component?
Premium planes
Why is my 12.0 fighting a 13.3?
People who say that raped girls should deliver the child are the true brainwasheds
Why are people homophobic
Trust exercise
What are your thoughts on my Senior Parking space?
I hate k12
How do I meet more people if I don't go to in school in person?