2023 is the year of Pascal's Triangle
Real life example of traffic shockwave (X-Post from r/Construction)
Doggo to the rescue
Improving malls
If I screw a bottle cap shut by hand and then can’t open it anymore, am I too strong or too weak?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
Since Jews are advised against handling money on Sabbath, the government in Mumbai, India had issued special prepaid coupons for Jews to use trams and buses without touching money on Saturdays and Jewish holidays
People Celebrate the end of prohibition in 1933 by having a drink.
Restaurant Workers: When somebody orders a Coke and you ask if Pepsi is okay (or vice-versa), how often do they say no? What do they order instead most often?
The term “Metrosexual”
Something seems off...
Quincy Quarries, a former popular cliff diving spot in Massachusetts
I shouldn't be allowed to go appliance shopping on my own.
She's muscle
What is this?
King Charles' bodyguards prosthetic arms. His real ones are under his raincoat holding his gun.
Are we still doing these?
When and how should I tell my son about my past addiction?
Whats a random line from a movie that fans of it instantly know ?
Should a reinforced concrete patio be anchored to the building foundation if it has to be at the same level as the interior finished floor due to accessibility codes?
Should there be more mandatory and required certifications, licenses, training, etc, to increase barriers to entry and the hoops to go through to become a worker in the construction industry in order to increase worker pay?
What are your favorite sandwiches in the state?
(US) Incoming Cash Sale