My players never remember to use their weapon masteries.
Paladin vs Ranger
Changes to the Dragonmarks, From Species to Feats
For those who have played the 2024 Paladin, what are your thoughts on the changes?
So How 'Bout Them New Dragonmark Feats?
First day discussion: What do you think of the new Artificer base class?
First day discussion: What do you think of the Cartographer subclass for the Artificer in the latest UA?
Fighter vs Barbarian
New UA: Eberron Updates
Rogue vs Monk
Give Me Your Best Level 10 Build: Dual Hand Crossbow User
Optimize a Ranger Without Multiclassing
Circle of the Sea vs Circle of Wildfire
Treantmonk: Ranger Best Multiclass Discovery! Dnd
Bard vs Warlock
What's your experience with each of classes?
Based on actual play - what are your top-3 likes and dislikes of the 2024 version?
Wizard vs Sorcerer
Lorwyn D&D/Magic Crossover Supplement Announced
What Level Do Most of Your Campaigns Start?
Cleric vs Druid
I Love my Sea Druid
Controversial Take: This Sub is Too Hyper-focused on Single Target DPR
Buffs I'm thinking to give to the ranger
Now that the Monster Manual is available, how well do Barbarians hold up in the endgame?