“Separated at Birth” two parts
Protein pastries
Tikka Talk, Indian fusion - New menu, and delivery options!
Unakite Thirteen Hotel
Update on patch project
What’s One Thing You Wish More People Understood About Autism?
Gained 10kg
I found it! GF shaoxing!
UNO Closes Office of Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion
What are the best ice rinks in Omaha?
Please help me convince my friend they are wearing this dress backwards.
Need more detective games where you figure stuff out and investigate things.
Another Roman salute today
Myths about american food
Outback’s gluten free menu
Can anyone identify what this is?
Bethany is blaming a nurse for another infection.
If you thought your country was three to six months away from a violent collapse, how would you prepare?
Books that feel like this:
Faux stained glass windows I made for library decorations
Creative ways to disguise my phone?
Why do I throw up every time I take creatine?
This might be the most dramatic thing I’ve ever seen one of my hens do 😆
Libraries that offer non residents cards to access their Libby systems?