🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 If you could go back in time just once, what would you do? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Celebi✨
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s your most controversial political opinion? Best answer wins this✨Shiny Mew✨
🎁GIVEAWAY⏰ If you could go back in time just once, what would you do? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Dialga✨
🎁MAJOR GIVEAWAY🚨 What’s your favorite movie and why? Best answer wins ALL THREE Shiny Legendary Birds✨
🎁MAJOR GIVEAWAY 🚨 What’s your favorite legendary and why? Best answer wins ALL THREE Paradox Legendaries
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Comment your favorite Pikachu screenshot. Best picture wins this ✨ Shiny Ash Hat Pikachu 🌩️⚡️⛈️
💫GIVEAWAY💫 What’s your favorite space fact? Best answer gets this ✨Shiny Solgaleo AND this ✨Shiny Deoxys 🎁
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s your favorite bug? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Volcarona🦋
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 If you could time travel, where would you go and why? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Celebi🍃
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s your favorite fact about the ocean? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Manaphy🫧
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Tell me about a supernatural experience of yours. Best story wins this ✨Shiny Darkrai 👻
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s your favorite celestial body and why? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Cresselia 🌙
Arceus fears me
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Who’s your favorite musician/band? Best answer wins this ✨Shiny Chatot🎶
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s your favorite TV show and why? Best answer gets this ✨Shiny Raikou✨
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 If you were in the Avatar universe what element would you bend and why? Best answer gets this ✨ Shiny Entei✨
As Above So Below
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Send a picture of your pet. Best photo wins this ✨Shiny Registeel✨
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Share pictures of your pets. Best picture wins this shiny Mewtwo
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What was your favorite family vacation? Best answer gets this Shiny Suicune
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 Who was/is your favorite pet and why? Best answer gets this shiny Zamazenta
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 What’s a supernatural experience you’ve had before that you still think about today? Best answer gets this Shiny Giratina
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been focusing on recovery. In honor of being 9 months clean, I’m giving away this shiny Dialga. What’s a challenge you’ve overcame in the past few months? Best answer wins
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 If you could change one thing about a particular Pokémon game to make it perfect, what would you change? Best idea gets the shiny Cosmog
🎁GIVEAWAY🎁 If the world was ending, which single Pokémon are you taking to survive? No legendaries or mythicals. Best answer gets the shiny Zekrom