Spicy food is actually disgusting
Remains of Bomber Pilot Identified 80 Years After His Plane Went Down During World War II
Uncrustables are an entrée if you're a toddler
Metals Tech, can I leave to a nonner job?
Smoking pipe of Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, 1861-1865.
Why don't Arkham asylum hired good doctors? The doctors they have clearly can't help the mentally insane of gotham
Do you prefer Batman as really buff or as a more athletic lean figure? I always feel like his usage of stealth requires the latter
You get us to State and I guarantee I'll kiss each and every one of you little pansies right on the mouth!
What are these fish?
Tried making cookies
For those who want Batman to kill why? Just a serious question
I drew [REDACTED] in the show's artstyle
This contains the oldest wine in the world, the Speyer wine bottle which is about 1700 years old
Who else is going to cry next episode?
Viltrumites really like killing people like this huh?
*Theory* What if our Mark is one of the few invincible that got his powers late, which causes him to be good?
If you were sent back in time, would you join again?
TIL UK teenager Olivia Farnsworth has a rare condition known as chromosome 6 deletion, which causes her to not feel hunger, pain, or a sense of danger. She is the only known person in the world who possesses all three of these symptoms together.
Uh, what?
Am I the only one who loved Mj or Am i just down bad?
Scenes like these really humanize the Batman and make him all the more relatable
Depth perception
It's over Gladstone.
Real talk,you would think that a guy who was a former goddamn president would have better leadership and people skills but he is a awful leader.