Unpopular opinion time ( The art style looks great and compliments the start of a new story arc )
"You are the worst thing that has happened to this country since food in buckets and maybe slavery!"
Zendaya to Star in 'Shrek 5' as Shrek's Daughter
Guess what I’m binging now…
How the Star Wars Skywalker saga movies compare on Letterboxd (and how their ratings have changed over time)
TIL that Edith Roosevelt, first lady of Teddy Roosevelt, did not support Franklin Roosevelt's political endeavors. In fact, she campaigned for his opponent in the 1932 presidential election
If the Kathleen Kennedy Era at Lucasfilm Is Ending, Its Legacy Is Unfulfilled Promises and Unfair Expectations
Which president's Oval Office was your favorite?
The Axis of Dick
Please help me with the season and episode
I’m remaking Highway 61 Revisited on a playlist using only the worst versions of the songs that Dylan ever recorded, what are your suggestions?
From the New York Times in 2009: picturing the 2000s
Dexter should’ve ended after season 7
'The Monkey' gets a C+ on Cinemascore
Saw twists & (NEW) Saw transitions tier list
So NOW I have BUY the series in order to REWATCH?
Earlier takes/alternate versions better than official releases
Can The Monkey pull a Terrifier 3?
When do you think House of Cards “jumped the shark”?
I've watched The Human Centipede... so should I see the sequel?
Which President had the worst marriage?
The end of season eight is basically a retread of the end of season four
Which founding father would be the most accepting of America if they were alive today?
Presidents ranked by their obscurity
How do you rank the villain for Original Sin in comparison to ones of the past (original and New Blood)?