What If Lindsay Was Still The Tdi Villain?
I feel like its a little overblown on how much people want harold and lindsay over duncan and beth for a finale, But...What do you think of my preferred finale for action?
What Do You Hate And Love About Gwuncan? All Honesty Why It's Bad And Did This Ship Have Potential To Be Good?
It was cannon all this time
Why did the villains eliminate Sierra and not Zoey? Are they stupid?
i made a design for a galvan machine god, let me know what you think
Lindsay as Wonder Woman meme
Three Character Interaction Bonus 2: Cricket Courtney, Princess Courtney & Cheerleader Courtney
Courtney: I have a strong stomach Also Courtney: I can’t eat disgusting food! I’m just not as gross as the others!
while i was watching a youtube video where they talked about Brady(Beth's boyfriend) i noticed how José is just a recolour of him.
What if José was a contestant?
i made some galvan machine god lore
In your opinion what's the dumbest thing the show did
Use it when you see a female character with Rouge clothes
What was the worst episode/moment in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien?
How Would This Interaction Go?
Who was faster between the 2 (Picture credit: AJ designs)
Do you think Vilgax would've been able to take on the negative 10 all by himself?
You have the Omnitrix, how long before you are captured to be tested on?
Which Rath design do you like better?
Who do you guys think are the most forgotten/forgettable contestants of Gen 1? Here’s who I think are:
Meanwhile in an alternate dimension (part11)
TDI cast but they are bridgette pt.2