Has Graydon ever discussed his process for finding obscure music?
Favourite single moment from a Velvet Underground song?
Which songs / albums? For me it's Obey by Brainbombs lmao
Which songs gives you this reaction
Triumphant hip-hop songs?
Top 5 Quirked Up White Boy Artists
Have you ever rated an album a 5 on first listen?
Bolded albums that you think are only bolded because of the band/artist that made them
ITAW for something that only a singular person partakes?
Is there an easy way to clear out your play history?
What is the first and most recent 5/5 you’ve given to an album?
What are your favourite silly songs
Songs that are just silence
Songs that have the same intro, so you don’t know which is which
Songs Where The Singer Laughs
Which section of The Greatest Man That Ever Lived is your favourite?
This makes me happy
Actually Fuck In Rainbows
a song that played on repeat when you were at your lowest?
Saddest songs you know?
Breakup music please
What song(s) do you associate with beaches?
guess what album im holding🤔🤭
What rap albums could be considered "brown"?
Im pretty bored give my your fav song at the moment and i will rate it 🤔
Made this myself