Hate to be that guy...
Opinions needed. Does this look safe to eat?
N.S. budget: Tolls eliminated for Halifax bridges as Tories make good on promise - Halifax | Globalnews.ca
Poor Pictou Co
Always striving to up my sushi game! How am I doing?
As prices soar, even middle-class families are turning to charities for housing help [Globe & Mail]
2024 - Actual costs from my hot water tank
After Trump tariffs, Trudeau reveals $155B counter-tariffs on U.S. - National | Globalnews.ca
Is this salmon belly (toro) or regular salmon sashimi?
Why Homeownership Feels Out of Reach for Young Canadians
Why does every sushi restaurant in the world use this same soy sauce?
Update on Heat Exchanger
I accidentally created a hungry hungry caterpillar roll. No regrets!
I bent my pics :(
Serious RRSP question...Why are people obsessed with their contribution room here?
My second attempt at making sushi ever (first one is way too bad to post)
What Trudeau And The Liberals Have (And Haven't) Done On Housing
What would you do with all your free time if you had a $250,000 yearly income and didn’t have to work?
PSA: eat and drink off your kids silicon plates once in a while
What is the weirdest fetish one of your exes had ?
Hi I really want a Japanese knife and I saw those at a shop in Vienna is any of those good ?
Homesteading in Crisis: The Realities and Rewards
My sushi gear leveled up today!
The Crazy Housing Market Is So Confusing – Can't Afford Detached or Townhouse, and Condo Fees Are Too High!