What’s something you thought only you experienced, until you found out many others do too?
Fourth SpongeBob tatt!! :D
Has anyone else wondered how water SPECIFICALLY was able to ingress into the ship after it flooded the boiler rooms?
What was your “Oh, I’m an adult now” moment?
What’s a toy or gadget you desperately wanted as a kid but never got?
If I had to see this, so do you
What's a feature that is considered "unattractive" by stupid beauty standards that you love?
POV this plays in the background while you get ready for school
What’s a widely accepted American norm that the rest of the world finds strange?
What is the adult version of finding out Santa isn’t real?
Sandy's a girl?
"Nobody wants to work"
Ive had these 2 cans of imulsion for 16 years and one decided to burst on the shelf
what song is he about to play?
What’s the Dumbest Way You’ve Lost Money?
If your having trouble currently.
he thinks its funny that remote work is "dead" even though its wildly popular hundreds of millions of workers
Because we're just posting anything here now.
What film are you going with?
Good news?
Next Battlefield game is allegedly introducing a War Correspondent player class that will function as a neutral 3rd party with its own unique mechanics
The actress who played the little girl on Titanic (Alex Owens-Sarno) on why her death scene was cut: “When they were showing to the test audiences, they were like, ‘Not her. We will not watch her die,’ ”
You can't deny the voice acting was beautiful here
Passenger on Delta Airlines films the moment they get rescued
NYC goes 5 days without a shooting