What are some thoughts about the new characters?
How did yall get out of the Silver II - Gold III area?
Being a strat player is so rough rn
Sometimes The Thing feels unplayable when solo tanking
As a vanguard main who plays a lot of melee tanks, is Peni a troll ban?
The smurfing has gotten out of control. Thanks streamers 🙏
You can now equip the the gold rank invisible women’s skin
After completing the Battlepass, you will be able to convert 1000 Chronotokens (purple) into 100 Lattice (blue)
I didn’t know where to post this but here it is
So me and my gf noticed something.
Is there a Smurf problem?
Just when I thought i was in, they push me right back out
Gameplay of The Thing & Human Torch TODAY?
Who do you think is currently the weakest hero?
New bile titan finisher just dropped
Weekly Marvel Rivals Discussion Megathread
Please add role queue. I don't want to play mystery heroes everytime I queue up.
As someone who plays both games, they really cooked with this one 👌🏻
Breaking news from the President of Super Earth!
I can't believe the animation saved me
I'm sure Cap would be proud I didn't give up on him until I got a win
PS players right now
Just 1 win away. No big deal….
Does anyone know what L.D.M.B is on Bruce Banner's name tag?
is playing rank worth it?