Work in Progress on my dwarf 🪓
An Oak-warrior. The first mini ive painted since my depression and painters block. Been mostly kitbash-building so I tried painting again with my old roomie.
Mostly finished building my Darkoath Savagers while trying to get over my mental painting block.
Using 40k Chaos cultists as darkoaths, a cult to my soul-grinder since he is so out of place in this setting and need buddies. Is it to much of a stretch for Age of SIgmar? I really dig em so I hope not.
My Darkoath/Darkoath cult horde and their respective leader they worship, finally all collected! Got a lot of painting to do!
New unit! Wilderfiend on manticore! - Due to limited storage space I stacked unfinished minis and accidentally made this overkill situation.
Finally completed my Chaos Chosen, plus a tease at the start of my little guys.
My first set of Darkoath marauders built! A sequel of sorts to my kitbashed chaos warriors a while back! 10 to go.
Daemon prince. The 2nd thing I ever painted after my chaos warriors. It is serviceable.
The first underworlds warband I got and painted back when I started.
(W.I.P) Dark-oath champ, Macho-lord "Randy Ravage" wins the belt!
(W.I.P) Dark-oath champ, Macho Lord "Randy Ravage" wins the belt!
Are there any model updates you find made it look worse?
A varanguard stealing Nagashs undead for the forces of chaos!