The hypeeeeeeee is realll...Can't wait for 20 march
downlading destiny 2, any advice?
How do I get the exotic glaives now?
Whats some of the best Destiny music you guys have heard or some that you guys love?
i dont get it why are people making jokes about the game not releasing
[GIVEAWAY] I'm giving away a game under 1.5k to one of you. I had some Steam funds that are useless to me for a while, so I wanted to share some happiness.
Is there any way to launch destiny from 2 launchers without having to install the whole game a 2nd time?
What is the U-word?
Who would win?
By the way, this icon in game is off by one pixel.
Is buying Minecraft form Eneba legit?
They be acting like nothing ever happened lol 😭
Tell me your favorite game..
Neomuna Weapons in TFS
These are the kinds of idiots that got rewards nerfed in my country (India), rewards used to actually be good before the major nerfs. Everyday there are posts like these and it pisses me off.
Lets make our problems known. Lets just troll them and say stuff like "my favorite way to earn points is only in the US." or "Please nerf rewards everywhere except US, USA forever!" Cmon guys, lets revolt.
PragyaNagra leaked video viral
Prime December games out
Which should i choose for my third?
Bring me Xol
What habit do you wish you could break?
Any way i can earn some pocket money on the side?
Why does wicked implement not have a unique weapon icon from other scout rifles cuz its exotic?
If I can use three shotguns... I WILL use three shotguns.
What was your "I'm working for a fucking idiot" moment?