*Unempires your empire*
Is this mostly true? What you all think :v (not going in r/Teenagers cuz...yeah no)
D-does she like me 🥺👉👈
Wore a skirt for the first time in ages ! I love mori kei
What is this place? (Image related)
Ideal World (I will get sent to brazil for this)
Ideal World (I'm boutta be downvoted to brazil for this)
D-Day Preparation
Seriously, seems a bit odd to post it online-
Is it normal for me (INTP-T) to be good with emotions/other peoples feelings?
Tire manufacturer
Spotted in St Thomas, Ontario
"Even if the tiger was superior to the sherman, the sherman fought for a righteous cause and the tiger for a wicked one"
Me who maxed out Leon days before they announced this shit (I'm poor)
After calculating, my music playlist is exactly 02h:49m:09s, the runtime of Interstellar, if I add 30m:09s
Chile does a little trolling
type us based off of our items (or not)
Weekly Type Me Megathread
I feel a sharp pain in my Texas
Wait a sec...
When you can’t just win no matter what country you’re in
Personally, I can't draw both, so...
Hi, uneducated American here.
7000 Starlink satellites visualized by Night Sky (App), which now takes up a large portion of the sky.