Why do people keep glazing this car?
Day 33 - Who is GxK’s best character?
Anyone else absolutely HATE these jagged page alignments in Knopf hardcovers?
SK book you probably won’t revisit?
Who would you cast Simon Helberg as in the MCU?
How many sequels will Toy Story get?
What was the worst day ever for kong?
In It Chapter Two, the kids skateboard has the same patterns as the carpet design in The Shining.
I've just finished IT for the first time. Salem's Lot is up next!
Tad Trenton in Cujo
What’s a song you hear that instantly makes you think of a movie it’s in?
What do you feel is the oldest Pixar film could still come out today?
Thoughts on inside out 2
What’s the best Godzilla design? Not your favorite, but the one that best represents the character.
A reference to The Shining in episode 2 of "Cars on the Road"
The new FBI director, ladies and gentlemen.
Did Mcqueen receive any visits after his crash?
Which of these three should I read next? Help me choose!
Christine reference in Mr. Mercedes!
Which Pixar character is most likely to cuss a lot?
What if The King's crash never happened?
How do you guys play with your diecast cars?
How much would you agree that Stephen King books are like 'Goosebumps for grown-ups'?
What film are you going with?
Happy Birthday Larry the Cable Guy