What drama gave you ctrauma?
You know you’ve watched too many Chinese dramas when you can name at least 80% of these actors just by their eyes and faces 😂
My honest ratings of some popular cdramas I've watched
In your opinion, who are some of the most overrated cdrama characters you've come across?
But this man's purple hair was really pretty 💜🔮 Ao Ruipeng from Moonlight Mystique
Name a character that wouldn't be as popular as they are if they weren't hot
Petty or not, how do you know when it's time to say goodbye?
What are some examples of 'great acting' that you have seen in cdramas
Which actress has the most beautiful side profile??
Whats your "This was a good drama, but THIS was a GREAT drama?”
Why I'm Excited for Feud!
Liu shuishi serving another badass role plus her killer visuals 🔥🔥
Criticizing a drama with actors who have huge fandoms is like getting dragged as if you’ve insulted someone’s ancestors…
Whats a role an actor will always be remembered or famous for?
Whats the one drama that remains unbeatable for you, no matter what else you watch?
Does anyone else ever get tired of seeing the same recommendations all the time?
A moment to appreciate the chemistry between the leads in perfect match!
Zhao Lusi's studio shares new video of her recovery progress
What’s a drama that you see recommended often that you did not like?
The days of well written female leads
Banning X
Can't resist this face! 😺
Georges Hobeika Couture Spring 2024 [2880x2880]
Hidden love- not worth the hype,
Pretty faces, weak chemistry