I hope TES6 has lycanthropy, werewolves and more
Who’s the better swordsman?
Who’s the better character?
Who’s more intimidating??
wolverine with fangs appreciation
Hawkeye Wolverine Variant
Which do you like better
Am I the only one not understanding why so many people want this dude to be the next Wolverine
Why Hugh Jackman shouldn’t be the MCU’s main Wolverine (IMO)
Jeff Nippard has the perfect Wolverine Physique (NOT a Fan Cast)
Why the hate for this casting?
I'm 5'10". Could I achieve Wolverine's physique?
Still pisses me off we’ll never see this Peak Casting
Who winning this?
I will say this fight scene was cool
Same vibes
Which of these “Marvel Kings” has the most Aura?
Which of my archer outfits look the best?
Who wins; Denji or Logan?
Which heroes inspires you to be a better person?
Every actress I think would be perfect as Storm in the MCU
They give me similar vibes
Unlikely Logan Fancast
We fucking won if this is true.