Leave a "💗" if you would fuck me hard
AITAH for pushing back against partner as she called me a “coward” for wanting to use condoms
3 word answers to interview questions that’ll ruin your chances of getting the job.
Does making a man wait for se/x make him like or want you more?
$50,000,000 but every single incarcerated human on earth instantly dies.
$100M after traveling to every single country in the world within 4 years or $500M after traveling to every single country in the world within 6 months
What is attracting 25% of Britons to Reform UK?
You died and were reborn in the last game you played, how screwed are you?
You wake up tomorrow and you are the last man on Earth. What do you do?
The last thought in Trump’s mind before he dozes off to sleep
Video games should be more expensive
Aitah for visiting the apartment I pay rent for, without giving my son enough prior notice.
What is one thing that is destroying our world?
How do u realize you can pull back some skin of your penis ?
AITAH for insinuating to my son that his father and I have sex?
My wife saying she'd replace me
Settling this old boy after his hooman was taken into care
I don't want to hang out with this girl.. help me come up with excuses.
Housemate agreed prior to wifi and now isn’t willing to pay England
Do you think men's sexual preference actually expand with age?
Worst possible names for a restaurant
Woman who I hooked up with claims to be pregnant by me.
Does the look of a vagina really matter?
Is it illegal/immoral to reject "chav" tenants