Dear God,
What would you tell your 21 year old self?
We’re going nuclear
Time travelers of Reddit, what interesting thing will happen in the future?
What is your favorite food?
What movie becomes completely different once you add “with a fat ass” to the title?
What’s the worst thing you can say right after having sex?
Who is the top artist on your Spotify wrapped 2022?
How did you find out you were getting cheated on?
What do you think is wrong with our society today?
According to you, who is the sexiest human to ever live?
If you could stop time for 2 hours with a 10 minute cool down. how would you spend your everyday life?
You have 5 minutes to live, who would you like to talk to in those minutes?
People of Reddit what would your last words be?
What is a city you would not suggest visiting on your honeymoon?
If you were in charge of coming up with non-violent punishments for hell, what are the best ones you could come up with?
For English native speakers , when you talk about your pet do you use "it" pronoun? Or he/she?
A person comes up to you and says: “I know what you did”. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?
What are you still mad about to this day?
Homosexuals that suffer from dwarfism, when did you realise that you might be a lil gay?
What song would be blasting if you were evading the police in a high speed pursuit?
If you could uninvent something, what would it be, and why?
Why did you stop believing in God?
If your country's president were to come out as LGBTQ+ , how would your country react?