My 85 year old dad wrote this.
My coworker keeps using the “r word”
Who's your daddy Trump?
Goodnight America
Switching to first shift
I worry this won’t ever be seen by the eyes that truly need to see it
My dominoes delivery guy was very upset over no tip!!! I’m only a 5 minute drive away and there was no seal on the box!!! do you think he spit in my food?!
My Dad Left Us 15 Years Ago – Now He’s Dying and Wants Me to Take Care of Him. I Don’t Know What to Do
snorted Coke on a party at 16
Dear Fellow Americans
What’s everyone thoughts on Trump replacing the EB-5 Visa with a “gold card” visa?
AITA For not letting my 16 year old go on spring break without adult supervision?
20F I want to glow up, any advice?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Should I break up with my girlfriend?
AITA for breastfeeding my son around my father-in-law despite him getting upset
I find it interesting that new Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg scheduled his first international trip to coincide with the inauguration of the new US President - especially one so focused on optics.
Do you think many Trump voters are already regretting their choice ?
Have coworker who constantly criticizes my work
Who’s gonna tell him
Fired Fed. I am considering cutting off every Orange Man supporter.
Were things really that bad?
Why do so many people hate unions? I'm guessing they're all on the Right, but what is so terrible about workers having rights?
What if the US split into a blue nation and red nation based on political views