The dooming around Doomsday/SW is silly imo. Is anyone else not more excited for the upcoming Avengers films than they were IW/Endgame?
Most people seem to think that the hype/buildup around Doomsday/Secret Wars isn't as good as IW/Endgame, but is anyone else actually more hyped for the upcoming films than they were for IW/Endgame?
A surprise
What character interactions are you most hyped to see in Doomsday/Secret Wars?
So when do you guys think we'll actually get to see Arishem's judgement and what will it be?
Daredevil punching the bad guy in the newest ad is looking pretttttttty rough... :/
What would you think if the MCU release schedule looked like this through 2032? (My mostly realistic wish list)
Main universe after secret wars
An ode to the lost end credit scenes, may you be forgotten.
Imagine if in Secret Wars we get to see an alternate timeline in which this guy actually IS the real deal? Would love to see the interaction between him and Rhodey
Out of all the MCU characters, Loki is by far the most powerful character yet shown.
What's your favorite Iron Man miniseries? Mine is Hypervelocity
Russo Brothers Confirm Next ‘Avengers’ Movies Will Now Shoot Back-To-Back; Production Starts in April
Will Sam still lead the Avengers despite BNW box office?
Are there characters you DON'T want to see again?
These 5 antagonists sit down in a coffee shop and talk about each of their plans/goals. How does the conversation go and who is likely to throw the first punch?
Perhaps I’m a bit out of the loop, but has it been explained in the MCU what exactly kickstarted the incursions that are occurring and which will eventually lead into Secret Wars?
Favorite MCU Soundtrack?
Who's your favorite female Marvel character part 1
Possible Avengers Lineup for Doomsday?
What are some characters in the MCU that Black Widow could actually defeat in a fight?
Who is the most impressive character in the MCU?
I know we are still far off from Secret Wars but aside from cameos or possible appearances, whom do you think should have the last closing win or Stark like sacrifice against Doom?
What's one thing that you personally would like to see in each of these 3 movies?
Team Doom - Avengers Doomsday