Has anyone noticed more upgrade competition?
The Lady in My Life ranks 20th on Rolling Stone's "50 Terrible Songs on Great Albums"
What routes are you surprised Delta doesn’t offer?
Spoiled little Sammi. She gets brunch in bed, sleeps all day on her heating pad and always has her favorite toy ❤️
Since my mom didn’t appreciate these photos…
My dna results as 1/2 Moroccan 1/2 Black American
I am 75.5% danish yet my 13% Jewish ancestry certainly shines through 😄 constantly get asked if I am Greek, Spanish, etc but never danish. Guessing it’s my nose and curls? (Swipe for face pictures) ☺️
Can anyone fix this photo of my mom?
I’m the only one that looks Latino in my family lmao (other than my dad obv)
Skin spas/cosmetic dermatologists in Cairo
New Greek/Balkan genetic groups
How many of you were abused as children?
Closest pool to Ridgewood?
Should I be worried?
Ridgewood Democrat Club Holiday Party
Joe’s Pizzeria is open! 🍕
What I ate in Southern Oregon, USA in 72 hours (with prices.)
Advice for transitioning to internal communications
Am I? Really?
Gluten Free pizza recs???
Why do people who fly first class/D1 everywhere care about status?
Last minute DeltaOne upgrade 🥰
Went w the short rib
Successful pregnancy stories over 40