how do you guys feel about cis people that use all pronouns?
Using AI for English
what’s an average score for methods?
my first packer arrived today
Should there be a 20th Anniversary of From Under The Cork Tree? Give me your opinions and explain?
Cannibal vs Cannibal Round 1: Caleb Gosche vs. Hannibal Lecter! Who wins?
What country are you from?
Cruising dickless
Genuine question: why don't some trans people not want to be stealth?
US is threatening to stop all trans people overseas from getting US visas.
What’s your opinion on Agender people (people who have no gender)
DAE have preferred terms for penile prosthetics
How I would self administer the following fall out boy songs
Which is worse to have, extremely feminine lower body (hips, thighs, ass) or extremely feminine upper body (breasts, small shoulders, slender arms/hands)?
Can I use silione lube with a silicone prosthetic if i use a condom?
Where else in Australia is good for trans women other than WA?
favorite record/dead on arrival lyrics
Jumpscare Pete
What can I improve?
Is it even possible/worth it to try to change sex marker on passport as a 16FTM USA?
New “biological sex” bathroom signs being put up
Obsessed with this pic I took last night.
Take this to your grave pete wentz
Is the rainbow flag meant to represent transgender people?
Friend thinks there's a difference, trying to prove them wrong